The Spade & Trowel Garden Club, Inc.
Seaford, Delaware 19973
*Celebrating its 60th Membership Year*
Creating the Greens 2016 - The Spade & Trowel's Major Fundraiser
It all starts with members taking orders and then along with spouses and friends of the garden club gathering greens from their yards and neighbor's yards and transporting them to the community building in Galestown, MD. The event, which is its major fundraising acitivity brings in the necessary funds for the club to carry out its yearly projects.
On Sunday, December 4, 2016, the community building was prepared for the event by arranging the hall for the designers who would gather on Monday, Dec. 5th and Tuesday, Dec. 6th to create the products--- 3 types of wreaths, swags, and 2 types of centerpieces. On Wednesday, December 7th, the items were available for pickup at the historic Ross Mansion. During the workdays the designers are treated by members who serve on the kitchen crew to delicious meals. It is a great deal of hard work filled with socialization and fun.
Following are some random pics from the event.
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