The Spade & Trowel Garden Club, Inc.
Seaford, Delaware 19973
*Celebrating its 60th Membership Year*
A N N O U N C E M E N T S & R E C E N T W E B A D D I T I O N S
S&T Scholarship Recipients: Two Del. Tech. students were awarded $1,000 scholarships this past March 29th at a banquet held on the campus. Pictured: Carol Owens, scholarship chair, Trey Harrington (majoring in Production Agriculture from Laurel, DE), Shannon Pusey (majoring in Agribusiness Management from Seaford, DE), Carol Johnson, Club President, and Margaret Alexander, Club Member. Jason Bentley hosted and took this photo.
Ongoing Support of the Delaware Botanic Garden: On April 4th Mary Noel and Sandi Dew, S&T Club Members, presented Greg Tepper of the DE Botanic Garden, Dagsboro, DE, with a check for $250 as a pledge of ongoing support of the Garden.
Winners Announced: Two students in the Spade and Trowel Kids Garden Club have placed first in the Delaware State Level of the "Smokey and Woodsey Owl" poster contest and will advance to the National Garden Club Level--see Youth Projects, 2017 Poster Page.
**Trip to Moitier's Home in Annapolis, MD, is found under the "Excursions" Page
**DFGC General Mtg. April 19, 2017 - Pics Under "Excursions" Page
**Philadelphia Flower Show - March 16, 2017 - Pics Under "Excursions" Page
**National Garden Club's Newsletter: August 2017 -
**Pollinator Power - A 23 page fact booklet on bees, butterflies, birds and other pollinators is available at the national web site: under
Youth Programs page, Bees and Butterflies, Resources
**"Through the Garden Gate," a garden tour featuring several Seaford gardens was held on Saturday, June 3rd, 10am-4pm. Pictures Under Projects Page
**Rain Garden Installed at the Governor Ross Mansion--See Club Projects Page
This Month's Activities:
July & August
Visit various public gardens and get fresh ideas for another year of gardening.
Have a safe summer!
Installation of 2017 Officers at club's summer picnic held at the home of president, Carol Johnson.
(Left to Right) Eileen Marx (Standing in for Pat Villani, Vice President) - Mary Lynn Huberty, Corresponding Secretary - Joanne Whallon, Recording Secretary - Barbara Fletcher, Treasurer - Carol Johnson, President - Mary Noel (Conducted the swearing in ceremony)
Club Objectives
The objectives of "The Spade & Trowel Garden Club, Inc." are to bring together members of the community who have a genuine interest in gardening and related activities and to afford members an opportunity to share their knowledge and experiences in growing plants and flowers, decorating with plants and flowers and to promote civic beautification.
The Spade & Trowel Garden Club, Inc., located in Seaford, DE, was organized in 1955 and became a member club in 1958. This year's theme is "Cultivate Gardens with Friendship." The club is part of the Delaware Federation of Garden Clubs, Central Atlantic Region and the National Garden Clubs, Inc.
Meetings and Location
The club meets the second Tuesday of each month (September through June) 12 p.m. - horticulture/flower show set up (if sheduled) must be set up by 12:30. Beginning at 12:30 p.m. there will be a social. **At 1:00 p.m. there is a program. Meetings are held in the "Woodruff Room" of the Seaford Public Library located at 600 North Market Street Extension.
The board meets the first Tuesday of each month beginning at
10:10 in the "Allen Room." Any member may attend the board
meetings and all officers and chairmen are encouraged to attend.
Interested in joining us? View the Membership Application form and/or contact Candee Logan, 301-992-7065,
and/or Carol Johnson, President, 302-875-4034,
and/or the webmaster, Jim Zeigler,
We thank our sponsors and hope that you will support them.
**The Seaford Spade and Trowel Garden Club is an active member of the Seaford Chamber of Commerce